Dropzone is Gymea Anglican Church’s after-school kid’s club for children in Kindergarten to Year 6. We meet each Friday during school term and love learning from the Bible together each week.
We enjoy games, challenges, activities as well as making new friends. You are very welcome to come along to our kid’s club any week! We look forward to meeting you.
For more information, contact our Children’s and Family's Minister, Olivia Robson on 0434 897 768 or oliviarobson@gymeaanglican.org.au.
Our Safe Ministry page contains detailed information about our processes for ensuring ministry remains safe and enjoyable for all. If you have questions or concerns about the way ministry among children and young people is conducted at Gymea Anglican Church, please contact:
David Fell - Senior Minister (davidfell@gymeaanglican.org.au)
Olivia Robson - Safe Ministry Representative (oliviarobson@gymeaanglican.org.au)