Originally posted on Instagram by @coopergannon and shared here with permission:
A short appreciation post for Craig and Kristy Stalder, who are moving on from Gymea Anglican Church after 10 years’ selfless service.
For brevity I will simply say this: the love flowing from people like Craig and Kristy is evidence of God’s very existence; a God who would choose to come as a suffering servant for you and I.
They have prayed for me through their own sufferings. They have invested countless hours in mentoring youth and young adults through the turbulence of life. And - our great privilege - they ministered to Freya and I in the lead up to our wedding, with Craig marrying us and Kristy praying for us!
All this far too often without the thanks they deserve, because that’s not what they’re seeking. Neither were they looking for this type of social media affirmation!
But I figured nonetheless that their goodness is worth celebrating and sharing, to God’s glory. Thanks Craig and Kristy!