Our upcoming Commitment Series is a significant time in the life of our church, designed to deepen our faith and grow our ministry together. Over six weekends in October and November, we will explore the New Testament book of James, which focuses on the practical outworking of genuine faith. James challenges us to bridge the gap between what we believe about Jesus and how we live out that belief in our daily lives.
Each message in this series will call us to greater commitment, both individually and as a community, by highlighting the vision and ministry of our church. Alongside the weekend messages, there will be small group studies to help us reflect and respond to James’s call to live out our faith with integrity and action.
Throughout the series, we will also present several church projects and ministry opportunities, inviting the congregation to prayerfully consider how they can contribute, whether through service, giving, or prayer. The series will culminate in our special Commitment Sunday on November 24 (traditionally our "Thanksgiving Sunday"), where we will come together to commit ourselves anew to the mission of the church and celebrate God’s provision and calling in our lives.
